Laser Skin Rejuvenation

Laser Treatments For Skin Rejuvenation

Laser skin rejuvenation can revitalize your youthful appearance in a single session.

Aging, acne, and too much time in the sun can leave your face with wrinkles and line, blotches, and even scars. Laser treatment for your face may help your skin look younger and healthier.

Dermatologist laser treatment removes the epidermis, which is the outer layer of skin. Laser for wrinkles also heats the underlying layer of skin, known as the dermis, which stimulates the growth of collagen fibers. After treatment, new skin cells replace dead skin cells to reveal rejuvenated skin.

Skin laser treatments use the power of light energy to make changes to the skin. A skin doctor uses the laser to send short, concentrated pulsing beams of light at irregular skin. The skin treatment removes unwanted or damaged skin in a precise manner.

The targeted approach of laser skin resurfacing means there are fewer issues with lightened areas of skin during wrinkle treatment, laser treatment for dark spots, and skin rejuvenation treatment.

Laser skin resurfacing precisely removes dead skin cells, layer by layer, and with incredible precision. New skin cells form during healing, giving skin a firmer, younger-looking surface. A dermatologist can perform laser resurfacing by itself or in combination with other cosmetic procedures to optimize skin rejuvenation.

Skin resurfacing laser can improve a wide variety of cosmetic issues, such as:

Laser skin rejuvenation may be an alternative to a facelift revision, which cosmetic surgeons recommend in cases in which a facelift does not provide the desired outcome.

About the Laser Skin Rejuvenation Procedure

Your skin doctor may recommend that you prepare your skin for laser skin rejuvenation about 6 weeks before your scheduled skin laser treatment. Preparation may include avoiding tanning or heavy sun exposure and skipping the deep facial peel.

On the day of the appointment, preparation may involve washing your face for mild skin resurfacing. Your skin doctor may have you apply topical anesthetic to your face 30 minutes before your procedure if you are having a deeper treatment.

Depending on the treatment of choice, your skin doctor will likely run the laser over your entire face for 20 minutes before addressing specific issues by passing the laser multiple times over problem areas. Typically performed on an outpatient basis, cosmetic laser resurfacing takes between 30 minutes and two hours.

Laser skin rejuvenation feels like a warm, pain-free sensation. Your facial skin will feel tighter and smoother over the course of the next few days. Some laser treatments cause the skin to turn pink for the next few days; new skin will feel tender.

Your dermatologist will apply a nonstick dressing to the treatment site; this dressing should remain in place for 24 hours. Cleanse the treated areas two to five times a day with saline, a diluted vinegar solution, or whatever solution your skin doctor recommends. Your skincare specialist will recommend that you apply an ointment or moisturizing cream to the treated area to prevent the formation of scabs.

Types of Laser Treatments for Your Face

Several types of laser treatments are now available, and each works to address different skin conditions on various skin types.

There are two main types of skin laser treatments: ablative and non-ablative. Ablative laser resurfacing removes the top layer of skin. A nonablative laser does not remove the top layer of skin but instead heats the skin without damaging the surface.

Erbium laser

An erbium laser may be ablative or non-ablative. This type of laser treatment promotes the body’s production of collagen, which makes erbium laser treatment a great option for treating fine lines, wrinkles, sagging, and age spots.

Recovery from erbium laser treatment is relatively quick, with mild swelling and discomfort fading after one to two days

Laser Resurfacing Cost

The average laser skin resurfacing cost is from $1201 to $1963, depending on the type of procedure used, the time and effort required, the geographic location of the office, and the expertise and qualifications of the person performing the laser skin treatment.

How Long Until I See Results?

Results from laser treatments are usually not immediate and can take several months to appear. Several sessions may be needed in order to reach the patient’s desired results, but laser techniques are often effective in completely eliminating age spots and other concerns.

Although safer than traditional resurfacing procedures, there are some risks associated with laser skin rejuvenation, such as unwanted lightening or darkening of the treated area or scarring. Choosing an experienced doctor can help reduce these risks.